Looking for cash in a crunch but want a flexible way to pay?
Now you can take a cash advance on your credit card and use Scotia SelectPay.
Using your credit card for a cash advance could help you cover your urgent financial obligations on the go, while Scotia SelectPay gives you the benefit of extended time to cover the repayment at a lower interest rate.

Scotia SelectPay™ benefits
• Choose 3,6,9 or 12 months to pay
• Enjoy a lower interest rate
• Make your payments in manageable bite-size amounts
To access a cash advance your card must be pinned. You can find Scotia SelectPay™ in the transaction tab on your credit card. Select the cash advance shown in the listing of your transactions and choose the period you would like to pay.
Convert your purchases into bite sized installments in 4 simple steps:

Customers click on their credit card

Go to transactions and then see on the
top right hand side, select Select Pay

Click 'convert your transactions'

Then click the drop down to find the
eligible transaction with the amount
that is over US$250.
Find Scotia SelectPay in the credit card section of your Scotia Mobile App